Health, Seniors and Active Living
Active Living, Population and Public Health Branch
Communicable Disease Control
4th Floor – 300 Carlton, Winnipeg MB R3B 3M9
T 204-788-6737 F 204-948-2190
19 October 2017
Attention: Parents and Guardians
RE: Mumps Disease Prevention
As a new school year begins, illnesses, including mumps, can be spread easily between children and their families. Manitoba continues to see mumps disease circulating, with 1057 confirmed cases as of October 6,
2017. Mumps has been seen in all populations, including pre-school and school-aged children.
Manitoba Health, Seniors and Active Living (MHSAL) would like to ensure all parents and guardians are aware that the mumps outbreak continues, how to recognize its symptoms, how to prevent its spread and what to do
if they suspect they or their child(ren) may be infected with mumps.
The mumps virus can be spread to others two to three days before the appearance of symptoms until four to five days after symptoms appear. Some people infected with mumps may not have any symptoms at all, but can still spread the virus to other people.
What are the signs and symptoms of mumps?
Mumps often starts with cold-like symptoms, including:
swollen and tender glands at the jaw line on one or both sides of the face;
fever; and,
headache and muscle aches.
Although there can be rare complications from mumps, such as hearing loss and sterility, the vast majority of cases are mild, with full recovery in one to two weeks.
How is mumps spread?
Mumps is spread by direct contact with the saliva of an infected person, such as through coughing, sneezing, sharing drinks (such as water bottles, straws) or kissing.
A person with no symptoms can transmit infection. Individuals with mumps will be asked to restrict their contact with others to reduce the possible spread of mumps.
Mumps prevention
Immunization against mumps is the best way to protect yourself and others from contracting mumps and its potential complications. Mumps-containing vaccine (MMRV or MMR) is available free-of-charge to Manitobans as part of Manitoba’s Routine Immunization Schedule with the following eligibility criteria:
All children 12 months of age or older are eligible to receive two (2) doses of MMRV vaccine. Doses are offered at 12 months and 4 to 6 years of age.
Those born during or after 1985 are eligible for two (2) doses of MMR vaccine;
Non-immune Manitobans born between 1970 and 1984 are eligible for one (1) dose of MMR vaccine;
Non-immune health care workers, regardless of age, are eligible for two (2) doses of MMR vaccine;
Non-immune students born before 1970 are eligible for one (1) dose; students born in 1970 or later are eligible for 2 doses of MMR vaccine.
Contact your health care provider to determine if you need to be immunized against mumps. To reduce the spread of mumps, people should:
wash their hands often with soap and water or use hand sanitizer if soap and water are not available;
avoid sharing drinking glasses or eating utensils;
cover coughs and sneezes with the forearm or a tissue; and,
STAY HOME when sick.
What to do if you think you or your child(ren) have mumps
People who think they might have mumps, or have been in close contact with someone who has been diagnosed with mumps, should phone their health care provider or Health Links - Info Santé at 204-788-8200 or 1-888-315-9257 (toll-free) for more information.
If visiting a physician or health care provider, it is best to call ahead and make an appointment so health care staff can take steps to reduce the exposure of other people to the virus.
For more information about mumps, visit the MHSAL mumps disease webpage at:
“Original Signed By”
Richard Baydack, PhD
Director, Communicable Disease Control
“Original Signed By”
Richard Rusk, DVM, MD, CCFP, MPH
Medical Officer of Health, CDC
Active Living, Population and Public Health Branch
Communicable Disease Control
4th Floor – 300 Carlton, Winnipeg MB R3B 3M9
T 204-788-6737 F 204-948-2190
19 October 2017
Attention: Parents and Guardians
RE: Mumps Disease Prevention
As a new school year begins, illnesses, including mumps, can be spread easily between children and their families. Manitoba continues to see mumps disease circulating, with 1057 confirmed cases as of October 6,
2017. Mumps has been seen in all populations, including pre-school and school-aged children.
Manitoba Health, Seniors and Active Living (MHSAL) would like to ensure all parents and guardians are aware that the mumps outbreak continues, how to recognize its symptoms, how to prevent its spread and what to do
if they suspect they or their child(ren) may be infected with mumps.
The mumps virus can be spread to others two to three days before the appearance of symptoms until four to five days after symptoms appear. Some people infected with mumps may not have any symptoms at all, but can still spread the virus to other people.
What are the signs and symptoms of mumps?
Mumps often starts with cold-like symptoms, including:
swollen and tender glands at the jaw line on one or both sides of the face;
fever; and,
headache and muscle aches.
Although there can be rare complications from mumps, such as hearing loss and sterility, the vast majority of cases are mild, with full recovery in one to two weeks.
How is mumps spread?
Mumps is spread by direct contact with the saliva of an infected person, such as through coughing, sneezing, sharing drinks (such as water bottles, straws) or kissing.
A person with no symptoms can transmit infection. Individuals with mumps will be asked to restrict their contact with others to reduce the possible spread of mumps.
Mumps prevention
Immunization against mumps is the best way to protect yourself and others from contracting mumps and its potential complications. Mumps-containing vaccine (MMRV or MMR) is available free-of-charge to Manitobans as part of Manitoba’s Routine Immunization Schedule with the following eligibility criteria:
All children 12 months of age or older are eligible to receive two (2) doses of MMRV vaccine. Doses are offered at 12 months and 4 to 6 years of age.
Those born during or after 1985 are eligible for two (2) doses of MMR vaccine;
Non-immune Manitobans born between 1970 and 1984 are eligible for one (1) dose of MMR vaccine;
Non-immune health care workers, regardless of age, are eligible for two (2) doses of MMR vaccine;
Non-immune students born before 1970 are eligible for one (1) dose; students born in 1970 or later are eligible for 2 doses of MMR vaccine.
Contact your health care provider to determine if you need to be immunized against mumps. To reduce the spread of mumps, people should:
wash their hands often with soap and water or use hand sanitizer if soap and water are not available;
avoid sharing drinking glasses or eating utensils;
cover coughs and sneezes with the forearm or a tissue; and,
STAY HOME when sick.
What to do if you think you or your child(ren) have mumps
People who think they might have mumps, or have been in close contact with someone who has been diagnosed with mumps, should phone their health care provider or Health Links - Info Santé at 204-788-8200 or 1-888-315-9257 (toll-free) for more information.
If visiting a physician or health care provider, it is best to call ahead and make an appointment so health care staff can take steps to reduce the exposure of other people to the virus.
For more information about mumps, visit the MHSAL mumps disease webpage at:
“Original Signed By”
Richard Baydack, PhD
Director, Communicable Disease Control
“Original Signed By”
Richard Rusk, DVM, MD, CCFP, MPH
Medical Officer of Health, CDC
Mumps Factsheet |