Festival du Voyageur 2018
This year McCreary School (Grades 3-8, Feb. 21), Ste. Rose School (Gr. 6-7, Feb. 23), Alonsa School (Gr.5-6, Feb. 23), and Glenella School (Gr. 5-6, Feb. 23) will be going to Festival du Voyageur in Winnipeg with the help of monies from a French Revitilization Grant put out by the province. The purpose of the trip is to see how the French & history learned in class ties into historical connections with the beginnings of the province (and territory). The Festival offers the children an experience of the Manitoba of 200 years ago with its languages and way of life. To a child, the Festival experience is one of immersion in a different time when the French language was dominant, a multisensory experience that they will remember fondly for a long time. For many, this experience becomes a highlight in their school journey.
Submitted January 22nd, 2018
Submitted January 22nd, 2018